
The following tips apply to
backups to online storage:
1 Make sure that your PC
does not automatically
disconnect from the
Internet when it is notin
1 Regularly check the
amountofspacethat you
have left in your Secure
Online Storage, and
storage space before you
need it.
1 Onlinebackupsworkbest
with a fast Internet
connection. If your
backups take too long,
consider backing up only
work. Then periodically
back up to CDs, DVDs,
Blu-ray discs, or external
drives to back up your
1 If you back up morethan
one PC to your online
storage, give each PC a
different nickname.
Giving a different
nickname to each PC
helps you identify the PC
and the backups that
corresponds to each PC.
Backing up to your Secure
Online Storage
Getting additional help with backup problems
If you run into problems with your Symantec product
that you cannot solve, or have questions about the
product, additional help is available. You can use the
NortonAutofix window to open the support Web site
463Protecting your mediaand data
About solutions tothe backupproblems