Scan Facebook Wall lets you
scanthelinksand URLsthatare
available on your Facebook
When you click the Scan
Facebook Wall option, Norton
360 takes you to theFacebook
login Web page. After youlog in
Safe Web asks you togrant
permission to access your
Facebookwall.To doso,use the
grant us permission to access
the Facebook Web page, and
then follow the on-screen
instructions. After you grant
permission, Norton safe Web
scans all the available linkson
your Facebook wall each time
you use Scan Facebook Wall
option. It then displays the
security status of the scanned
Scan Facebook Wall
Norton 360 keeps your computer secure from latest
threats by automatically running Full System Scan
when your computer is in the idle state.
About Computer Scan
Norton 360 automatically downloads latest virus
definition regularly and secures your computer from
alltypesofvirusesandunknownthreats. WhenNorton
360 performsaComputer Scan,it usesthe latestvirus
definitions that Symantec provides.
The threat detections that are based on the local
definition are specified with a specific name. For
example,if aTrojan horseis detected,thescan results
Scanning your computer
About Computer Scan