
Safe Web
turning off 310
turning on 310
scan at the command prompt
command line scanning 205
Scan Complete
appearing after a scan 216
Scan Complete window
appearing after a scan 156
Scan Facebook Wall
about 182
scanning 184
total items scanned 157
automatically 164
individual elements 156
problems found during 216
command line 205
Computer Scan 152
create a custom scan 159
Custom Scan 152
custom scan 227
deleting custom scans 163
file 156
floppy disk 156
folder 156
Full System Scan 152, 155
hard drive 156
Insight Network 168
manual 45
Norton Bootable Recovery
Tool 38
Quick Scan 152
quick scan 154
removable drive 156
running custom scans 162
using custom 159
scheduling 228
backup and restore 230
scheduling (continued)
backups 444
custom scans 164
scans 164
tasks 528
scheduling custom scan
multiple schedules 164
scheduling custom scans
scheduling Full System
Scan 164
Security History 135
secure online storage 468
Security History
about 108
Actions window 124
adding items to the
Quarantine 111
full alert history 111
importing or exporting 136
manual scan results 111
Quarantine 138
Quick Search 135
recent alert history 111
searching 135
security risks 111
submission, items to
Symantec 111
suspicious email 111
viewing items 111
viewingquarantineditems 111
security risks
adding to Quarantine 141
attacks 234
foundbyAuto-Protect 209, 211
port scans 234
removing from the
Quarantine 142
restoringfromQuarantine 141
security status 53
self-healing 557