This chapter includes the following topics:
1 About securing your sensitive data
About securing your sensitive data
The Internet provides the fastest and the easiest way
to exchange information. In spite of the many
advantages that the Internet provides, you are
vulnerable to information theft and identity theft.
Following are a few of the most common methods of
information theft:
1 Online financial transactions
1 Unsafe online storage of sensitive information
1 Misuse of your identity while you communicate
The Identity Safe featurein Norton 360 offers several
powerful ways totackle identity theft. Identity Safe is
thebesttoolthatyoucanusetosafeguard youridentity
while you are online.
About Safe Surfing
SafeSurfing comprises of the Antiphishing and the
Norton Safe Web features. Antiphishing analyzes the
security level of the Web sites that you visit and
displays the results in the NortonSiteSafety pop-up
Securing your
sensitive data