Turning off and turning on Browser Protection
Youcanchoosewhetheryouwant toprotectyourWeb
browser by allowing Norton 360 to block unknown
programs from accessing your computer.
By default, the BrowserProtection option is turned
on. In this case, Norton 360 proactively blocks new or
unknown malware programs before they attack your
computer. By protecting your Web browser, Norton
360 secures your sensitive information and prevents
the attackers from controlling your system remotely.
This feature checks for browser vulnerabilities in
Internet Explorer6.0 orlater, Chrome 10.0or later,or
Firefox 3.6 or later browsers.
Always keeptheBrowser Protectionsetting turnedon
to protect your Web browser against attacks by
malicious Web sites.
To turn offor turnon BrowserProtection
In the Norton 360 main window, click Settings.
In the Settings window, under DetailedSettings,
click Firewall.
On the IntrusionandBrowserProtection tab,in
theBrowserProtectionrow,dooneofthe following:
1 ToturnoffBrowserProtection,movetheOn/Off
switch to the right to the Off position.
1 ToturnonBrowserProtection,movetheOn/Off
switch to the left to the On position.
Click Apply.
If you turned off Browser Protection, in the
ProtectionAlert dialog box, in the Select the
duration drop-down list, select how long you want
to turn off Browser Protection.
Click OK.
About Intrusion Prevention exclusion list
The IntrusionPrevention Systemin Norton 360scans
all the network traffic that enters and exits your
Keeping secure onthe Internet
About Intrusion Prevention