126 Chapter 2. SONG MODE
• The Meter column sets the meter for the corresponding
• You can use this feature to adjust meter values for sequence
tracks that have already been recorded.
• Each meter setting applies to all tracks
• You can set the value to any of the following: 1/16,...,16/16,
1/8,...,16/8, 1/4,...,4/4.
Style and Section
• These columns select the style and section for each meas-
• If you want to continue the style or section from the previ-
ous measure, leave the entry space blank.
• If you leave the Style or Section column completely empty,
the Q700 will use the style or section selected at the SONG
PLAY screen.
Style 00 (=off), 01,...,64, 65 (=end)
Section A,...,H
6 (Clear)
• This function clears the Style or Section entry selected by
the cursor.
5. Song Recording