Chapter 3. VOICE MODE
• Here you can make settings such as voice, effect, pan and
volume for each part, that will apply when playing back or
recording a song.
• It is also possible to make settings while playing back a
song, and you can also solo or mute tracks just as in Song
1. Press v.
▼ The indicator above v will light, and you will enter
Voice mode.
2. Press 1 (Mixer) to access the mixer.
3. Use d/u or l/r to select a
part. You can switch between the screens for parts 1–
16 and parts 17–32 by pressing 6.
4. Move the cursor to the parameter that you wish to set.
5. Use n/y, the data dial, or the numeric keypad →
e to set the value.
• In Voice mode, keys such as r, e, s, t and r/
f will function in the same way as in Song Play mode.
You can use these keys to listen to the playback while you
modify the settings in realtime. If the Recording Mode for
song recording (→ p.106) is set either to Realtime Record-
ing Replace or Overdub, or to Punch Recording, song re-
cording can also be performed in Voice mode.
• s + data dial or s + n/y will increase or
decrease the setting of all parts by the same value.
• s + numeric keypad → e will set all parts to the
same value.
1. Data display
• The upper line shows the Voice Category / Program Number
/ Bank Number / Voice Name for the part where the cursor
is located.
• The lower line shows the name and value of the parameter
where the cursor is located.
2. Location
• Location indicates the playback location of the song in meas-
ures and beats.
• To change the playback location of the song, press d
[D1] to move the cursor to Location, and use n/y, the
data dial, or numeric keypad → e to specify the desired
3. Part number
• This indicates the part number of the QY700’s tone genera-
tor block.
• On the QY700, the Track of the sequencer block and the
Part of the tone generator block are connected according to
the Song mode Out Channel setting TO TG. Before making
voice settings, check the Song mode Out Channel TO TG
setting, and be sure that you understand the relation between
tracks and parts. (→ p.105)
• The settings of the part which is connected to the pattern
track by the Out Channel TO TG setting will automatically
be overwritten whenever the pattern is switched by the Pat-
tern Voice settings (→ p.225).
• Highlight the part number (1–32) for which you wish to
make settings.
1 – 32
4. Velocity meter
• When you start playback, the velocity meter will appear.
The velocity meter graphically indicates the velocity val-
ues of the musical notes that are transmitted from the song.
• Mute or solo settings can be made independently for each
track. Mute temporarily silences a track. Solo mutes the other
tracks, allowing you to hear only the playback of a certain
1. Mixer