184 Chapter 3. VOICE MODE
3. Note name
• Specify the note to select the instrument that you wish to
• The types of instrument which are assigned to each note
will depend on the drum kit. For the arrangements of each
drum kit, refer to the separate “QY700 Reference Listings”.
-1 – C5
4. Drum kit
• Select the drum kit that will be the basis of your setup edit-
ing. When you change drum kits, the instruments which are
assigned to each note will also change.
• When you change drum kits, all Drum Setup Edit param-
eters will be initialized. Select a drum kit first, and then
modify the parameters.
001 StandKit, 002 Stnd2Kit, 009 Room Kit,
017 Rock Kit, 025 ElectKit, 026 AnalgKit,
033 Jazz Kit, 041 BrushKit, 049 ClascKit,
001 SFX1 Kit, 002 SFX2 Kit
5. Reverb send
• Specify the amount that will be sent to the Reverb effect
from each instrument.
• The actual depth of the reverb will also be affected by the
mixer setting Reverb Send (→ p.170) and by the Effect mode
setting Reverb Return (→ p.191). As you adjust this param-
eter, keep in mind the relationship to these other param-
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6. Chorus send
• Specify the amount that will be sent to the Chorus effect
from each instrument.
• The actual depth of the chorus will also be affected by the
mixer setting Chorus Send (→ p.170) and by the Effect mode
setting Chorus Return (→ p.192). As you adjust this pa-
rameter, keep in mind the relationship to these other param-
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7. Variation send
• When the Effect mode parameter Variation Mode (→ p.191)
is set to System, this parameter functions as the Variation
Send Level.
This specifies the amount that will be sent to the Variation
effect from each instrument, adjusting the depth of the ef-
As you adjust this parameter, you should also keep in mind
the setting of the Effect mode parameter Variation Return.
• When the Effect mode parameter Variation Mode (→ p.191)
is set to Insertion, setting this parameter to 000 will turn
Variation=Off, and setting it to 1–127 will turn Variation=On.
Variation Send Level
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8. Pan
• This specifies the stereo location of each instrument.
• Arranging the instruments in the same stereo locations as a
real drum set will produce the most natural result.
Random, Left63–Center–Right63
• Random produces a special effect in which the stereo loca-
tion of the sound varies randomly for each note.
• Left63 (far left)–Center (center)–Right63 (far right)
9. Level
• Set the volume of each instrument.
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10. Pitch fine
• Make fine adjustments to the pitch of each instrument.
• This setting is made in steps of 1 cent (1 cent is 1/100th of
a semitone).
4. Drum Setup Edit