Chapter 2. SONG MODE
3. Quantizing value
• The Quantize setting selects the quantizing interval. You
can set the value using n/y or the data dial, or by press-
ing the appropriate note key on the numeric keypad.
• Notice that the
settings create both “normal” and “tri-
plet” intervals over the same space. The
, for example,
sets quantizing lines at every eighth-note spacing and at
every eighth-note-triplet spacing.
32nd-note intervals
16th-triplet intervals 16th-note intervals
8th-triplet intervals 8th-note intervals
Quarter-note-triplet intervals Quarter-note intervals
16th-note and 16th-triplet intervals
8th-note and 8th-triplet intervals
4. Strength
• The Strength value sets the degree by which note events are
pulled toward the nearest quantizing line.
• A setting of 100% pulls each note event all the way to the
nearest quantizing line. A setting of 50% pulls each note
only halfway to the nearest quantizing line.
5. Sensitivity
• You can use the Sensitivity setting to limit quantization to
only those notes that are at a certain distance from the
quantizing line. You can choose, for example, to quantize
only those notes that are close to the nearest quantizing line,
or only those notes that are far away.
• The full quantizing range extends from 1/2 interval to the
left through 1/2 interval to the right of the quantizing line.
(See figure below.) If you were to apply quantizing at 100%
sensitivity and 100% strength, for example, then all notes
over this range would be pulled exactly onto the quantizing
• If you set Sensitivity to 100% (or -100%), then all notes
within the range are pulled toward the quantizing line. If
you set the value to 50%, then quantizing applies only to
the notes in the half-interval span surrounding the line (start-
ing 1/4-interval to the left of the line, and extending to 1/4-
interval to the right). If you use 50% sensitivity with a “quar-
ter-note” quantizing value, for example, then all notes within
a 16th-note to either side of the line are shifted, while notes
that are farther away are left untouched.
• You use the negative values when you want to shift only
notes that are farthest away from the line. A sensitivity of
-50%, for example, applies quantizing to the notes in the
far 1/4-interval to the left and the far 1/4-interval to the right.
Assuming a “quarter-note” quantizing value, this would
quantize all notes that are more than a 16th-note away from
the quantizing line, while leaving closer notes unaffected.
• Use of the feature allows you to correct notes that are mark-
edly off time while retaining the more subtle discrepancies
characteristic of an authentic performance. To achieve this
kind of result, you would generally want to set the sensitiv-
ity between approximately -30% and -50%.
7. Song Jobs
Sensitivity = +100%
Sensitivity = +50%
Sensitivity = +30%
Sensitivity =
Sensitivity =
Sensitivity =
Quantizing line
30 3050 5070 70
Time length of Quantize value
Original data (assuming 4/4 meter)
Quantizing strength = 50% (where quantize value = )
Quantizing strength = 100% (where quantize value = )