144 Chapter 2. SONG MODE
6. Swing rate
• This setting lets you apply a delay to the notes in every
even-numbered quantizing interval (but see below) to pro-
duce a more swinging rhythm. This adjustment is carried
out after quantizing is completed: first the notes are
quantized, and then the swing delay (if any) is applied.
• If you are using a 32nd, 16th, 8th, or quarter-note quantizing
value, the QY700 applies the delay to every even-numbered
interval. If you are using an 8th-note, for example, then the
notes in the first 8th-note interval are normal, the notes in
the second 8th-note interval are delayed, the notes in third
interval are normal, and so on.
• If you are using one of the triplet quantizing values, then
the QY700 applies the delay to the notes in every third in-
terval. If you are using the
or quantizing value, the
QY700 applies the delay to the non-triplet part of the rhythm
only (to the
or rhythm only).
• The “swing rate” is given as a scale value indicating the
position for the shifted “beat.” For non-triplet rhythms, a
value of 50% leaves the position unchanged, while higher
values apply a delay. (In this case, 100% represents double
the length of the quantizing interval.) The available settings
depend on the rhythm type, as described below.
• For the quantizing values indicated above, a 50% setting
produces no adjustment, so that the even-numbered inter-
val remains exactly centered. Higher values shift the inter-
val to the right, to produce an added swing. The maximum
setting is 75%, which shifts the interval by an amount equal
to one-half the quantizing value.
• With the triplet quantizing values (see above), the QY700
applies the shift to the third interval only. In this case, a
66% setting produces no adjustment (so that the third inter-
val remains at its original position). Higher values shift the
interval to the right. The maximum setting is 83%, which
shifts the interval by an amount equal to one-half the
quantizing value. (Notice that in this case, the 100% scale
represents three times the quantizing length.)
7. Song Jobs
• In the case of normal-plus-triplet quantizing values, the
QY700 applies the shift only to the non-triplet part of the
rhythm, as illustrated above. In this case, a setting of 50%
produces no shift, while higher values shift the even inter-
val to the right. Note that the maximum setting is 66%, which
moves the interval all the way up to the position of the third
note in the triplet rhythm. (The 100% scale represents dou-
ble the
or quantizing length.)
• If quantizing value is , , , : 50%,...,75%
• If quantizing value is
, or : 66%,...,83%
• If quantizing value is
or : 50%,...,66%
• If you set STRENGTH below 100%, notes may lie at arbi-
trary locations within the interval prior to the “swing-rate”
shift. In this case, the QY700 will slide all of the notes within
the interval by an equal amount.
• Where STRENGTH is less than 100%, therefore, it is pos-
sible that the swing adjustment may push some notes into
the next interval. If the QY700 must push a note beyond
one or more notes lying in the next interval, it will shift
these other notes to the same location as well.
7. Swing Gate Time
• This value applies a proportional adjustment to the gate tim-
ing of the notes within the swing-adjusted intervals.
• The gate time is the length of time that a note is held. You
can use this setting, therefore, to lengthen or shorten the
notes in the swing-adjusted intervals.
• A setting of 100% leaves the original gate time unchanged.
Higher settings increase the gate time, while lower settings
shorten it.
• If an adjusted gate-time value is less than 1, the QY700 sets
the value to 1.
Where quantizing value is , , or :
0% 50% 75% 100%
Setting range
Where quantizing value is , or :
0% 66%33% 83% 100%
Setting range
Where quantizing value is , :
0% 50%33% 66% 100%
Setting range