249Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
• Before starting actual recording, you must set the relevant
recording parameters at the Recording Standby screen.
1. Go to the PATCH screen (→ p.200) and select the
phrase number for the user phrase that you want to
record. (The “phrase number” consists of the prefix
US followed by a sequential number.)
2. Press e to move to the Recording Standby screen.
3. Set the recording parameters (phrase length, retrigger,
and so on) and select the recording mode (4 (RE-
PLACE), 5 (OVERDUB), or 6 (STEP)).
4. Press p to begin recording.
▼ The PLAY indicator comes on (either solid or blinking).
5. When you are finished, press s to stop recording
and return to the PATCH screen.
6. Edit or otherwise manipulate the recording results us-
ing Phrase Edit (→ p.254) and pattern jobs (→ p.256).
7. When you are satisfied with the results, store the re-
corded phrase to disk. (→ p.307)
• If you press e while in Recording Standby, the QY700
returns to the PATCH screen.
1. Phrase number; phrase name
• The phrase is identified by its phrase number. You select
the number at the PATCH screen. (→ p.200)
• You can use the Phrase Name pattern job to assign the phrase
an arbitrary phrase name. (→ p.279)
2. Length
• This parameter sets the length (in measures) for the phrase.
• The maximum phrase length is equivalent to the length of
the currently selected pattern (the “of” value appearing in
the upper right box area on the display.)
pattern length
(where maximum pattern length = 256)
3. Phrase type
• The TYPE value selects the kind of chord conversion used
when modulating (transposing) the phrase. Different type
settings result in different conversion results, as follows.
• The “Melody” types (Mdly1, Mldy2) generate relatively
slight, subtle changes in the playback sound.
• The “Chord” types (Chrd1, Chrd2) generate relatively large
changes in the playback sound.
• For Mldy1 and Chrd1 transpositions, the QY700 first con-
verts the original phrase line according to the chord type,
and then transposes according to the chord root. For Mldy2
and Chrd2 transpositions, the QY700 remains closer to the
original sound, so that chord changes are somewhat
• The Bass type is designed for bass phrases. For these phrases,
the QY700 always produces the root note at the start of any
chord change. In addition, transposition is always accord-
ing to the target chord’s on-bass or original-bass setting (if
• Use the Bypas (Bypass) setting if you do not want the phrase
to be converted at all. In this case, the phrase bypasses the
conversion process and plays out in its original sound.
• The Para (parallel) type transposes by root only; the chord
type is ignored. This is useful for phrases that contain im-
plicit internal chord changes, since type conversion in this
case may produce unpredictable or clashing results.
Mldy1, Mldy2, Chrd1, Chrd2, Bass, Bypas, Para
4. Retrigger
• This setting determines how the phrase responds to chord
changes that occur while the phrase is already playing. If
the setting is OFF, the phrase switches off when the chord
change occurs. If ON, the QY700 transposes the phrase (in
accordance with the chord-conversion parameters) and con-
tinues the playback.
5. Phrase Recording