Chapter 1
Track structure within each pattern
• Patterns are organized as a matrix of tracks and measures,
as shown in the diagram below.
• A phrase or a rest can be specified for each measure in each
track of the pattern.
Playback channel of each track
• When a pattern is played back, the musical data of each
track in the pattern is transmitted to the tone generator block
and the MIDI OUT connectors according to the Out Chan-
nel settings of Song mode. (→ p.103)
• The data is transmitted to the tone generator block as speci-
fied by the “TO TG” setting, and to the MIDI OUT connec-
tors as specified by the “MIDI OUT-A” / “MIDI OUT-B”
6. Songs
• “Songs” are songs that have been created by recording mu-
sical data to tracks in the QY700’s Song mode.
• The QY700’s song memory can hold 20 songs.
• Each song consists of a total of 35 tracks: 32 sequence tracks,
the pattern track, the chord track, and the tempo track.
• In addition to creating songs in the same way as on a con-
ventional sequencer by recording only sequence tracks, you
can also create a song by using the auto-accompaniment
function to create the backing portion of a song, and then
adding melody and other parts to complete the song.
Track structure of a song
• Each song consists of 32 sequence tracks (TR1 – TR32), a
pattern track (PATTERN), a chord track (CHORD), and a
tempo track (TEMPO).
• The sequence tracks are used to record musical data. Data
can be recorded from the controller block etc. using realtime
recording or step recording etc. The QY700 has 32 sequence
tracks, and each track can record musical data for one Part.
• To use the auto-accompaniment function, you will arrange
patterns in the pattern track. This track also allows you to
input the time signature for each measure. Pattern track in-
put is performed in Song Recording.
• The chord track contains the chords that are used to play-
back the pattern track. In addition to chords, this track also
allows you to input the On Bass, Original Bass, and Synco-
pation etc. Chord track input is performed in Song Record-
• The tempo track contains tempo changes that are applied
when the song is played back. This lets you create changes
in song tempo, such as accelerando and ritardando. Tempo
track input is performed in Song Recording.
TR 1
Phrase number Phrase number
• • •
TR 2
Phrase number
• • •
TR 3
Phrase number
• • •
TR 16
Phrase number
• • •
M1 M2 M3 • • •
TR 1
TR 2
TR 3
TR 16
M001 M002 • • •
Part 1
Part 16
Part 17
Part 32
Sequencer block (Pattern)
Tone generator