91Chapter 2. SONG MODE
• You use this page to set the following play-effect param-
eters: clock shift, gate-time modifier, velocity rate, and ve-
locity offset.
• Settings are different for each track. Use of this feature there-
fore allows you to adjust note-event timing, gate times, and
velocities separately for each track.
1. At the SONG PLAY screen, press 1 (PlayFx).
▼ The QY700 enters the Play Effects submode.
2. Press 2 (Shf|GT|Vel).
▼ The “Clock Shift, Gate Time, and Velocity” page appears.
3. Press u or d as necessary to se-
lect the track whose values you want to set.
• Note that the screen only has room to display 16 tracks
(tracks 1 to 16, or tracks 17 to 32). You can toggle between
these two groupings by pressing 6.
4. Move the cursor to the line corresponding to the pa-
rameter that you want to set.
5. Change the value using the data dial, n/y, or the
numeric keypad.
6. When you have finished making changes, presse
to return to the SONG PLAY screen.
• You can change these parameter values even while song
playback is in progress.
The first four parameters listed in the table above are identical to
those on the “Groove Quantize” page, and are explained on pages
84 and 85. The remaining parameters are described below.
15. Clock shift
• You use this parameter to shift the playback timing by a
specified number of clock cycles.
• On the QY700, one clock cycle is equivalent to 1/480 quar-
ter note.
• A negative value shifts the timing backward (toward the
beginning of the song), while a positive value shifts the tim-
ing forward. A setting of +480, for example, will effectively
delay the playback timing by one beat.
• For more information about clock usage, refer to page 131.
1. Move the cursor to the CLOCK SHIFT line of the track
you want to set.
2. Set the value using the data dial, n/y, or the nu-
meric keypad.
• It is not possible to shift the playback timing backwards
past the song’s original start point. If you set the value to
–300, for instance, all song data in the first 300 clock cycles
of the recording will be shifted back exactly to the start
16. Gate-time modifier
• This value adjusts the gate times of the notes on the track.
Adjustment is made by multiplying the original gate time
by the modifier value (percentage).
2. Play Effects
Original data