314 Chapter 7. DISK MODE
4. Delete
• Delete allows you to delete files from floppy disk.
• You can select from three types of file to delete. For details
on each type of file, refer to “Types of file used by the
QY700.” (→ p.304)
• If you select “Song” as the file type, you will be able to
delete files that were saved by devices other than the QY700.
• The “DISK INFORMATION” area located in the lower right
of the screen shows the total number of files on the floppy
disk, the total size of all files, and the free area on the disk.
The area below this shows the number of files of the se-
lected type that are on the floppy disk, the total size, and the
size of the selected file. You can refer to this area when
deciding which files to delete.
• If Delete is executed, the specified file will be lost for-
ever and cannot be recovered. Before executing this
operation, be sure that you really want to delete the
1. Press 5 (Delete).
▼ The top line of the screen will indicate “DISK -- DELETE --”.
2. Press d [D1] (All Data) – d [D3] (Song) to
select the type of data that you wish to delete.
▼ The Delete execute page will appear.
4. Delete
Type of data Function
Delete a file that was saved as QY700 All Data
Delete a file that was saved as QY700 Style data
Delete any file including files that were saved in QY700 Song format, ESEQ format, or SMF format
All Data