198 Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
• You use PATTERN mode to record and edit user phrases, to
assemble phrases into patterns, and to set up the playback
characteristics for your patterns.
• The phrase is the basic unit of song-accompaniment pat-
terns. A single phrase, for example, might provide a bass
line for a bass part, a rhythm line for a rhythm part, or a
chord backing for a guitar part.
• The QY700 includes 3,876 built-in phrases (preset phrases)
that you can use to build your patterns. In addition, you can
record and edit your own, original user phrases: up to 99
user phrases for each of the 64 available pattern styles. For
general information about phrases, see Chapter 1. (→ p.37)
• During replay, the QY700 can modulate (transpose) phrases
to match a specified chord type and root. To do this, the
QY700 uses an internal chord conversion table to convert
the phrase’s original chord/pitch relationships in accordance
with the target chord type (28 types) and root (12 roots).
For general information about the chord conversion setup,
see Chapter 1. (→ p.38)
•A pattern is a multitrack arrangement of phrases. The pat-
tern can consist of up to 16 tracks (or parts), with each part
producing its own phrase sequence. Although each phrase
reproduces a single instrument (voice), the pattern combines
these phrases to produce a multivoice accompaniment —
which may include, for example, multiple drum phrases, a
bass phrase, chord comps, and so on.
• The pattern is the basic unit of song accompaniment. At
any given instant the QY700 can play a single pattern only
(consisting of up to 16 tracks of independent phrase se-
quences). During replay, the QY700 switches from pattern
to pattern in accordance with the pattern sequence you have
• The QY700 organizes patterns within styles and sections.
More precisely, each pattern exists as a section within a style.
•A style is a general accompaniment type, such as “TECHNO
1” or “Hip Hop.” Each style consists of eight sections (A
through H), which give different segments of the accompa-
niment: intro section, first melody section, fill-in, ending,
and so on. Each section is equivalent to one pattern. (Thus,
“Style 1 Section A,” “Style 1 Section B,” and “Style 9 Sec-
tion D” all identify distinct patterns.)
2Pattern Voice Setup
3Pattern Effects
4Phrase Solo
ePhrase Recording
ePhrase Edit
jPattern Job
1Play Effects
6Phrase Table
Original phrase
Converted phrase
Chord root
and type data