271Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
Job 14 Thin Out
7. Pattern Jobs
• You use this job to remove repeated occurrences of a speci-
fied non-note event within the designated segment of a se-
lected user phrase. The purpose is to reduce the data vol-
ume and free up additional memory.
• Specifically, the job will remove every other occurrence of
the event in areas where the event recurs within 60 clock
cycles. The job will not remove an event that is separated
from the previous occurrence by at least 60 clock cycles.
1. Phrase
• The Phrase value selects the target phrase.
2. Segment
• The two boxes to the right of the M select the phrase area to
be thinned.
Measure: beat 001:1,...,256:16
3. Event
• The lower pair of boxes selects the targeted event type.
PB, CC (000,...,127, All), CAT, PAT
PB Pitch bend
CC(000,...,127,All) Control change (Any single control-
change message type 000 to 127, or
all control-change messages)
CAT Channel aftertouch
PAT Polyphonic aftertouch