87Chapter 2. SONG MODE
• A setting of 100% produces the strongest quantizing, so
that all notes are pulled directly onto the nearest line. A
setting of 0% effectively switches off all quantizing.
1. Move the cursor to the STRENGTH line for the track
you want to set.
2. Set the value using the data dial, n/y, or the nu-
meric keypad.
8. Groove timing
• This value sets the effectiveness of the groove template’s
CLOCK SHIFT settings.
• The formula for the timing adjustment at each interval is as
Adjusted timing = original timing + (CLOCK SHIFT × GROOVE
• A GROOVE TIMING value of 100% will therefore apply
the template’s clock shift value without change. A value of
200% will double the clock shift, while a setting of 0% will
cancel it completely.
1. Move the cursor to the GROOVE TIMING line for the
track you want to set.
2. Set the value using the data dial, n/y, or the nu-
meric keypad.
9. Groove gate time
• This value determines how strongly the groove template’s
“gate-time multiplier” (see Section 13 below) affects the
note gate timing.
• The formula for the applied gate-time adjustment at each
interval is as follows:
Adjusted gate time = original gate time × (100 + (gatetime multi-
plier -100) × GROOVE GATETIME).
• If GROOVE GATETIME is 100%, the QY700 will adjust
the note gate times for each interval exactly in accordance
with the template’s multiplier value for that interval. If
GROOVE GATETIME is 0%, the original gate times will
be reproduced without change. If GROOVE GATETIME is
200%, the original gate times will be adjusted by double
the template’s multiplier.
• If the adjusted gate time is less than 1, the QY700 auto-
matically uses a value of 1.
1. Move the cursor to the GROOVE GATETIME line for
the track you want to set.
2. Set the value using the data dial, n/y, or the nu-
meric keypad.
2. Play Effects
Original (recorded) data
(Assuming that the quantizing value is set to
If STRENGTH = 50%:
If STRENGTH = 100%:
, and meter is 4/4)
1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 2:1
1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 2:1
1:1 1:2 1:3 1:4 2:1