213Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
• The Play Effects submode allows you to adjust various pat-
tern-playback parameters, including note timing, gate tim-
ing, and velocities. The submode gives you a high level of
control over playback timing and articulation. Note that these
adjustments are fully reversible and do not cause changes
in your recorded data.
• Each style stores its own play-effect settings. When you
change to a different style, the new style’s settings auto-
matically become effective. Note that the play-effect set-
tings apply to all eight sections within the style.
• You can use the “Expand Backing” job (song job 21;
→ p.162) to convert your pattern data (as adjusted by the
Play Effects settings) into MIDI sequence data. The job
stores the results onto sequence tracks 17 to 32.
• You can continue to replay the selected pattern while work-
ing in the Play Effects submode. The playback keys (p,
s, t, r/f) continue to operate. This means that
you can monitor the results of your changes as you make
• The Play Effects submode comprises three main pages to-
gether with two supplementary pages. You access the main
pages by pressing the appropriate function keys (1,
2, 3). You can access the supplementary page
(where available) by pressing 4. You can also switch
to a different submode by pressing 5 or 6.
• 1 (Groove) displays the “Groove Quantize” page. You
use this page to set up the rhythm quantizing for each track.
• 2 (Shf|GT|Vel) selects the “Clock Shift, Gate Time,
and Velocity” page. You use this page to set the correspond-
ing values. Again, values are set separately for each track.
• 3 (Transpose) selects the “Transpose” page. You use
this page to set transposition values for each track. You also
use it to access the “Drum Table Edit” page; see below.
• 5 (→ Voice) switches you into Pattern Voice submode,
where you can set up the voicing for each style. (→ p.225)
• 6 (→ Effect) switches you into Pattern Effects
submode, where you can set up the effects for each style.
(→ p.239.)
• 4 (GrovView), accessible only from the “Groove
Quantize” page, switches the display to the “Groove View”
screen. You can use this screen to view the groove templates,
and to view or adjust your user templates.
• 4 (DrTabEdit), accessible only from the “Transpose”
page, switches you to the “Drum Table Edit” page. You can
use this page to adjust the drum table settings.
1. At the PATCH screen in Pattern mode, press 1
▼ The QY700 enters the Play Effects submode.
2. If necessary, change the page by pressing the appro-
priate function key: 1 (Groove), 2
(Shf|GT|Vel), or 3 (Transpose). Listen to the play-
back while making the various adjustments.
3. When you have finished, press e to return to the
PATCH screen.
• Adjustment shortcut 1: To adjust the cursor-selected param-
eter by an equal amount on all tracks, hold down s
while rotating the data dial or pressing n or y.
• Adjustment Shortcut 2: To set the cursor-selected param-
eter to the same value on all tracks, hold down s and
enter the value at the numeric keypad.
2. Play Effects