134 Chapter 2. SONG MODE
• On the QY700, you can set the measure to any value be-
tween 001 and 999. The allowable beat and time values vary
according to the selected time meter. The maximum range
for the beat is 01 to 16. The maximum range for the clock
count is 000 to 479.
Parameter values
• As described above (→ p.131), each event is defined by its
type and by its accompanying parameter values. When en-
tering an event type, you must include parameter values in-
dicating how it is to be carried out. If entering a note event,
for example, you must include values for velocity (note
force) and gate time (note playback time).
• Required parameters are different for each event type.
1. At the Event List screen, press 6 (Insert).
▼ The QY700 displays the “INSERT” window.
2. Move the cursor to the item that you want to set (event
name, measure, beat, clock count, or parameter).
3. Set the value using the data dial, n/y, or the nu-
meric keypad.
• If you are using the numeric keypad, do not press e until
you have finished entering all values and have checked them
for correctness. Let the values remain flashing on the screen
until you have completed all of the settings.
4. When you have finished entering all values for the
event, press e to record the event onto the track.
• As a shortcut, you can press e as many times as you like
to insert multiple copies of the same event. You can then go
back to the event-list page and edit these entries as neces-
• If you wish to set up and insert another event, return to Step
2 above.
5. When you have finished, press e to return to the
EVENT LIST page. Check the listing to make sure that
the events were correctly inserted.
Entering a System Exclusive at the INSERT window.
• Use the following procedure to insert a system exclusive
when working at the INSERT window.
1. Select Exc as the event name. Set the measure, beat,
and clock count at which you want the exclusive to
2. Move the cursor to the parameter area. Enter the hexa-
decimal values, moving the cursor from value to value
as necessary.
• You can enter the hexadecimal numbers using n/y or
the data dial. You can also enter them with the numeric
keypad: use the pad keys to enter digits from 0 to 9, and
microkeyboard keys [F
2], [G
2], [A
2], [C
3], [D
3], [F
to input digits A to F, respectively. (But don’t press e
until you have completed entry of all values.)
• Be sure to enter value F7 (“End of Exclusive”) as the final
data item.
3. When you have entered all values for the system ex-
clusive, presse to record it onto the track.
• As a shortcut, you can press e to insert multiple copies of
the same system exclusive. You can then go back to the event-
list page and edit the values as necessary.
• If you wish to insert another, different system exclusive,
return to Step 2 above.
4. When you have finished, press e to return to the
EVENT LIST page. Check the listing to make sure that
the new system exclusives are correct.
6. Song Editing