236 Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
• This Drum-Setup Edit feature lets you select one drum voice
for note-by-note (instrument by instrument) editing. You can
edit the sound characteristic of each instrument by adjust-
ing its filter values, EG values, pitch, and so on.
• This Drum Setup Edit page is available only for tracks whose
voice category has been set to “drum setup-3.” (On the Voice
and Mixer pages, the 3 (DrS3Edit) switch appears only
while the cursor is at a track that is set to this category.)
• The “drum setup-3” category consists of one voice only –
the voice you create at this Drum Setup Edit page. If two or
more tracks are set to this category, all of these tracks will
play the same voice. If you change the edit values at the
Drum Setup Edit page, the changes will apply to all of these
• A drum voice (or “drum kit”) consists of a collection of
different “instruments,” with each instrument assigned to a
different key on the keyboard, starting at key C
-1 and ex-
tending to C5. (This is in contrast with a “normal voice,”
where a single instrument applies across the entire key-
board.) For a listing of the various drum voices and their
instrument arrangements, refer to the QY700 Reference List-
• When you work at the Drum Setup Edit page, you work on
a single drum-voice only. If you change the drum-voice se-
lection while you are editing, all of the edit settings return
to their defaults. Be sure that you have selected the correct
drum kit before you begin your editing.
• Note that the filter and EG settings made at this page are
applied as offsets to the voice’s internal filter/EG settings.
The other settings that you make at this page (PITCH, CHO-
RUS, and so on) are used as replacements for the voice’s
original settings.
1. At the PATCH screen, press 2 (Voice). Then press
1 (Mixer) to display the Mixer page.
2. Move the cursor to a track whose voice category is set
to “drum setup-3.” (If necessary, move the cursor to
the VOICE CAT. line and set the category to this value.)
▼ The 3 (DrS3Edit) switch appears (on the bottom line
of the screen).
3. Press 3 (DrS3Edit) to move to the Drum Setup
Edit page.
4. Move the cursor to the drum-kit setting and select the
drum voice you want to use.
5. Now edit each of the instruments in the kit by repeat-
ing the following steps.
a) Press the appropriate key on the microkeyboard to se-
lect the instrument (note) that you want to edit.
b) Move the cursor to each of the parameter values that
you want to change.
c) Enter your change using the data dial, n/y, or the
numeric keypad.
6. When you have finished, press e to return to the
PATCH screen, or press one of the function buttons to
move to a different screen.
• The playback keys (p, s, t, r/f) continue to
function while you are adjusting the settings, so that you
can monitor the results of your changes as you make them.
1. Data display
• The top line of the data-display area shows the name of the
instrument currently selected for editing. This value changes
each time you press a different key on the microkeyboard.
• The lower line shows the program number of the selected
drum voice.
2. Location
• This location area shows the pattern’s current playback lo-
cation (measure).
• You can jump to a different location during playback by
changing this value: Press d [D1] to move the cursor
into this area, then select the new location using the data
dial, n/y, or the numeric keypad.
pattern length
3. Note
• This area shows the currently selected note. (You select the
note by pressing the appropriate key on the microkeyboard.)
Each note corresponds to a different instrument in the kit.
• The note/instrument correspondence is different for each
drum voice. For complete listings of the instrument arrange-
ments within each voice, refer to the QY700 Reference List-
3. Pattern Voice submode