142 Chapter 2. SONG MODE
7. Song Jobs
• Finally, you can further improve the swing by adjusting the
velocities and gate times of the notes in every other inter-
1. Track setting: TR
• Sets the track to which quantizing is applied.
01,...,32, All
• 01,...,32 Apply quantizing to the corresponding track.
• All Apply quantizing to all 32 sequence tracks.
2. Segment and notes (M and Note=)
• The two boxes at the top of the screen (to the right of the M)
select the area of the track to be quantized. The first box
sets the measure and beat for the start point; the second box
sets the end point. The Note boxes select the range of notes
(pitches) to which quantizing is applied; notes outside of
this range are not adjusted.
Measure: beat 001:1,...,999:8
Note range C-2,...,G8
• This job quantizes note events over a specified segment of a
specified track. Quantizing is the process of adjusting the
timing of note events by pulling them closer to the nearest
interval boundary (or quantizing line). You can use this fea-
ture, for example, to improve the timing of a performance
you recorded in real time.
• Before running the job, you must set the musical interval
(or quantizing value) that you want to use. This value sets
the distance between adjacent quantizing lines. The figure
below illustrates the concept for quarter-note and eighth-
note quantizing values.
• The quantizing strength determines how closely notes are
pulled toward the nearest quantizing line, while the sensi-
tivity selects which notes are targeted (based on distance
from the nearest line). You can combine these settings, for
example, to direct the QY700 to slightly adjust only those
notes that are far away from the nearest line, while leaving
the closer notes untouched.
• The swing rate can be used to slightly delay the note events
in every even-numbered interval, thereby adding a “swing”
to the music. If you are using an eighth-note quantizing
value, for example, the delay applies to all notes starting
within the second, fourth, sixth, or eighth interval of the
measures, as illustrated.
Original note data
Quarter-note length
Result when quantizing value is (at 100% strength)
Result when quantizing value is (at 100% strength)
Original timing
Quantizing value = , Swing rate = 50% (no delay)
Quantizing value = , Swing rate = 60% (delay applied)
Quarter-note length