308 Chapter 7. DISK MODE
• The Save operation saves data from internal memory to
floppy disk.
• Select one of five types of data to be saved. For details on
the different file types, refer to “Types of file used by the
QY700.” (→ p.304)
• The “DISK INFORMATION” area located in the lower right
of the screen shows the total number of files on the floppy
disk, the total size of all files, and the free area on the disk.
The area below this shows the number of files of the se-
lected type that are on the floppy disk, and the total size.
Refer to this information when saving your data.
• Before a floppy disk can be used to save data, it must first
be formatted. (→ p.316)
• If the size of the data to be saved is greater than the free
area of the floppy disk, a message of “Disk Full” will ap-
pear. If this occurs, delete unwanted files from the disk, and
try the Save operation once again.
• Be careful that you do not accidentally delete impor-
tant data from the disk.
1. Press 1 (Save).
▼ The top line of the display will indicate “DISK -- SAVE --”.
2. Press d [D1] (All Data) – d [D5] (Song SMF)
to select the type of data that will be saved.
▼ The corresponding Save page will appear.
3. If Song ESEQ or Song SMF was selected as the data
type, use 4 (XG HEADR) to specify whether or
not an XG header will be added.
If you press 4 (XG HEADR) to highlight the display,
1 – 2 measures of setup data will be added to the beginning
of the playback data when it is saved. For details on the XG
header, refer to “XG header” (→ p.306).
4. If Song SMF was selected as the data type, use 1
(FORMAT0) or 2 (FORMAT1) to select the for-
mat of the Standard MIDI File.
For details on Standard MIDI File formats, refer to “Types
of file used by the QY700”. (→ p.304)
5. In the left side of the display, select the style or song
number that you wish to save.
• If you are saving All Data, there will not be a number selec-
tion at this point.
6. Press the r key to move the cursor to the right, and
specify a filename.
• The filename is what distinguishes between files on the same
floppy disk. It is not possible to specify the same filename
for two or more different files on the same disk.
• For character input, refer to “Chapter 1. BASIC CON-
CEPTS”. (→ p.53)
• If you press 6 (DeflName), the name previously speci-
fied for the selected of song or style will be copied to the
• When you access the Save page, the filename display will
show the name of the file that was saved last. This means
that if you press e without modifying the filename, the
previous file will be overwritten.
7. Make sure that the settings are correct, and press e.
▼ The display will indicate “Executing...”, and the data will
be saved.
• If the data will be overwritten, a confirmation message will
appear. To execute saving, press y. To cancel saving, press
n .
1. Save