Chapter 1
Phrase type
Source chord
On Bass and Original Bass
• In addition to Chord Root and Chord Type, chord settings
also allow you to specify On Bass and Original Bass.
• On Bass and Original Bass are effective only for phrases
whose Phrase Type is set to Bass.
• On Bass lets you specify a root note for the bass that is
separate from the chord, so that when the pattern or phrase
is played back, phrases with a phrase type of Bass will be
fixed at the root note. For example if On Bass G is specified
for a CM7 chord, the display will be “CM7onG”, and phrases
whose phrase type is set to Bass will all be played as “G”.
• Original Bass lets you specify a chord for the bass that is
separate from the chord, so that when the pattern or phrase
is played back, phrases with a phrase type of Bass will be
played with a separate bass chord. For example if a CM7
chord is set to an Original Bass of G7, the display will be
“CM7/G7” and phrases whose phrase type is Bass will be
played back just as though the chord had been set to G7.
• For details on inputting chords, refer to “7. Chord input
methods” (→ p.42).
5. Patterns
• “Patterns” are created by joining two or more Phrases hori-
zontally, or by joining up to 16 parts vertically to create an
accompaniment with drums, bass, and chord backing. While
phrases contain musical data for a single instrument, pat-
terns combine two or more phrases to create a single back-
ing pattern. Patterns are the basic unit with which the ac-
companiment of a song is created.
• Patterns are created in the Patch display of Pattern mode.
(→ p.200)
• The QY700 manages patterns by Style and by Block.
• “Styles” are groups of patterns for each song. The QY700
provides 64 styles.
• “Blocks” are groups of patterns within a song that provide
changing accompaniment such as for intros, themes, fill-
ins, breaks, and endings. For each style, the QY700 pro-
vides eight blocks A – H.
• The QY700 provides 64 × 8 = 512 patterns.
• When you specify a chord for a pattern, each of the various
phrases that make up that pattern will be processed by chord
conversion, meaning that in effect, chord conversion is per-
formed for the entire pattern.
Original phrase
Converted phrase
Chord root
Chord type
On Bass Original Bass
8 sections
User Styles x 64