246 Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
6. AC1 control depth
(Only on Variation Edit page; only if mode is Insertion)
• This parameter determines how strongly AC1 (Assignable
Controller 1) affects the value of the controllable param-
• If you set the depth to 0, then AC1 has no effect. Higher
magnitudes increase the sensitivity of the AC1 control. The
sign of the setting determines the AC1 directionality: a posi-
tive sign means that upward displacement of AC1 raises the
value of the controllable parameter, while a negative sign
means that upward displacement reduces the value.
• Note that an assignable controller is a controller (such as a
control wheel) whose function can be set by the user. The
QY700 provides two assignable controllers, AC1 and AC2.
(You select the function by assigning the appropriate “con-
trol number” to the controller. You make these assignments
by issuing System Exclusive messages.)
• Note that this setting appears only if the variation mode is
set to Insertion.
4. Pattern Effects