228 Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
• You use the Mixer page to set various parameters (such as
voice, effects, pan, and volume) for each of the pattern tracks.
1. At the PATCH screen, press 2 (Voice).
▼ The Pattern Voice Setup page appears.
2. If necessary, press 1 (Mixer) to select the Mixer
3. Press u/d or cursor keys as nec-
essary to select the track (part) that you want to work
4. Move the cursor to the appropriate parameters, and
set the values using the data dial, n/y, or the nu-
meric keypad.
5. When you have finished, press e to return to the
PATCH screen.
• The playback keys (p, s, t, r/f) continue to
function while you are adjusting the settings, so that you
can monitor the results of your changes as you make them.
• Adjustment shortcut 1: To adjust the cursor-selected pa-
rameter by an equal amount for all parts, hold down s
while rotating the data dial or pressing n or y.
• Adjustment Shortcut 2: To set the cursor-selected param-
eter to the same value on all parts, hold down s and
enter the value at the numeric keypad.
1. Data display
• The upper line of this area identifies the voice for the cur-
rently selected track (by voice category, program number,
bank number, and voice name).
• The second line of the area shows the current numerical
value of the cursor-selected parameter.
2. Location
• The location area shows the pattern’s current playback lo-
• You can jump to a different location during playback by
changing this value: Press d [D1] to move the cursor
into this area, then select the new location using the data
dial, n/y, or the numeric keypad.
3. Track number
• The highlighted track number, and the track number at the
top right of the screen, indicate the pattern track currently
selected for editing.
4. Track status
• You can choose to mute out one or more tracks, or to set
one or more tracks for SOLO play. An
mark appears to
indicate that a track is muted; an
mark indicates that it is
set to SOLO.
• If you set one or more tracks to SOLO, the QY700 auto-
matically switches off playback from all other tracks. (The
track-number borders change appearance to indicate the
tracks that are temporarily switched off.)
• During playback, the track-status area operates as a veloc-
ity meter, indicating the playback level of each track in real
3. Pattern Voice submode