70 Chapter 2. SONG MODE
• The PATTERN track stores the pattern list for the auto-ac-
companiment feature. The track can also include meter (time
signature) settings. You set up the patterns by entering ap-
propriate styles and sections, again using either realtime or
step recording.
• The CHORD track stores the chords used for replaying the
patterns. When entering a chord, you can also set an “on-
bass” or original bass setting, and a syncopation.
• The TEMPO track sets the tempo (and tempo changes) for
the song. You set these values using realtime or step record-
ing. The TEMPO track controls accelerando, ritardando, and
other such tempo changes.
SONG MODE Overview
• You use SONG mode to record, edit, and play songs.
•A song is a set of playable performance data that you create
by recording onto the QY700 tracks under SONG mode.
• The QY700’s song memory has room for 20 songs.
• Each song can comprise as many as 32 sequence tracks,
together with a PATTERN track, a CHORD track, and a
TEMPO track.
• If you wish to record songs in the same way as on a conven-
tional sequencer, you can do so by working with the se-
quence tracks only. But in many cases you will want to use
the auto-accompaniment feature to set up a backing. You
can then play the backing while creating the melody and
other parts.
Track Configuration
• As mentioned above, each song comprises up to 32 sequence
tracks, together with a PATTERN track, a CHORD track,
and a TEMPO track.
• The sequence tracks store your performance data, with each
track storing a single part. Each part consists of a full set of
performance data (note data, controller data, and so on).
You can create each part using either realtime or step re-
SONG MODE Overview
Sequence tracks
TR 1 Performance data
TR 2 Performance data
TR 3 Performance data
TR 31 Performance data
TR 32 Performance data
PATTERN track PATTERN Patterns, meters
Chord roots, types, on-bass,
original bass, syncopation
TEMPO track TEMPO Tempo changes
1Play Effects
2Track View
3Output Channels
eSong Recording
eSong Edit
jSong Jobs