88 Chapter 2. SONG MODE
10. Groove velocity
• This value determines how strongly the groove template’s
interval-specific offset values (see section 14 below) affect
the recorded note velocities.
• The formula for the applied adjustment is as follows:
Adjusted velocity = original velocity + (template’s velocity offset ×
• A GROOVE VELOCITY value of 100% will therefore ap-
ply the template’s offset values without change. A value of
200% will applies twice the offset, while a setting of 0%
leaves the original velocity unchanged.
• If the adjusted velocity is less than 1, the QY700 automati-
cally uses a velocity of 1.
• If the adjusted velocity is greater than 127, the QY700 uses
1. Move the cursor to the GROOVE VELOCITY line for
the track you want to set.
2. Set the value using the data dial, n/y, or the nu-
meric keypad.
11. Grid
• The grid display shows the quantization timing scheme. The
graphic area (with the diamonds and the lines) shows the
quantization intervals, while the numerical values show the
currently selected grid position (by measure, beat, and clock
• The diamond-shaped figures along the top of the grid indi-
cate the position of the quantizing lines. If the quantizing
value is “eighth-note,” then there will be 16 quantizing lines
across the screen, each spaced one eighth-note apart. The
first line will be at Measure 1, Beat 1; the second line (not
drawn) will be halfway between Beat 1 and Beat 2; the third
line will be directly on Beat 2; and so on.
• All templates contain parameter values sufficient to cover
eight beats (1:1 to 1:8). If the song’s time signature selects
less than eight beats per measure, the excess template val-
ues are not used. If the signature is 4/4, for example, the
template values for beats 5 to 8 are meaningless.
• The template parameters determine the adjustments carried
out at each quantizing interval. The template may call for
increased velocities and strong timing adjustments in the
first interval, with decreased velocities and weaker adjust-
ment in the second interval, and so on. You can use the grid
to view the template’s parameter values at each interval, so
that you can see what the template is actually doing.
• Note that it is not possible to edit the interval-specific pa-
rameters of the preset templates. But it is possible to set or
edit these values on the user templates.
Interval-line positions: 1:1:000,...,1:8:420
12. Clock shift
• The clock-shift value sets the number of cycles that notes
are shifted after initial quantization is completed. In other
words, the QY700 will first quantize the notes (pulling them
toward the nearest quantizing line) in accordance with the
STRENGTH setting. It will then shift the notes by the speci-
fied number of clock cycles, in accordance with the clock-
shift setting. Note that the clock-shift value may be differ-
ent for each quantizing interval.
• If you are using a preset template, you will not be able to
change these values (although you can view them). If you
are using a user template, you can edit the values as de-
scribed below.
The maximum clock shift displacement is equal to half the
quantize interval in either direction. The range can be given as
-1/2 × (interval time),...,000,...+1/2 × (interval time)
2. Play Effects