78 Chapter 2. SONG MODE
10. Loop switch; locations 1 and 2
• Set the loop feature ON when you want to repeatedly play a
specific area of the selected song.
• When loop play is in effect, locations 1 and 2 set the start
and end points of the loop (by measure number). Even when
loop play is not in effect, you can jump to location 1 or 2 at
any time by pressing 1 or 2, respectively.
Loop on LOOP
Loop off OFF
Locations 1/2 001,...,999
1. Press d [D2] as necessary to move the cursor to
the loop-switch area or either of the location values.
2. Switch the value using the data dial or n/y .
• To set location 1 or 2 equal to the value of the current meas-
ure, hold down s and press 1 or 2.
11. Tempo and meter
• The tempo value sets the tempo for recording or playback
of the song.
• Each song stores its own tempo value.
• The meter setting area shows the meter for the current meas-
Tempo 25.0,...,300.0 (= )
Meter View only
1. Press d [D3] to move the cursor to the tempo
2. Set the appropriate value using the data dial, n/y,
or the numeric keypad.
• The meter values are set in Song Recording. (→ p.111)
12. Click mode, click beat, and count
• These parameters set up the sequencer’s click sound.
• The beat value sets the click interval.
• The mode setting determines when the click feature is
• The count value sets the number of preliminary meas-
ures used at start of realtime recording.
Click mode:
Off Disables the click feature.
Rec Use click for realtime and punch recording only.
Ply Use click for realtime recording, punch recording,
and playback.
All Always use click.
Click beat:
, , , ,
Off, 1,...,8Ms
1. Press d [D4] as necessary to move the cursor to
the appropriate click parameter.
2. Set the value using the data dial or n/y.