265Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
Job 07 Shift Clock
2. Segment
• The two boxes to the right of the M select the phrase seg-
ment. The first box sets the measure and beat for the start
point; the second box sets the end point.
Measure: beat 001:1,...,256:8
3. Clock cycles
• The Clock value sets the number of clock cycles for the
data shift. Positive values shift events toward toward the
end of the phrase, while negative events shift them back.
• Note that there are 480 clock cycles per beat.
7. Pattern Jobs
• This job executes a time shift of all data events within the
selected segment of the selected phrase. The shift is executed
in clock-cycle increments.
• If you wish to move by one or more full beats or measures,
you may find it easier to use the COPY EVENT job. (→
• Note that this job will never move an event past the desig-
nated segment’s start or end points; any event that would
otherwise move past this point is instead deposited at the
segment’s border.
1. Phrase
• The Phrase value selects the user phrase.
Job 08 Chord Sort
• This job “sorts” chord events (simultaneous note events) by
order of pitch. The sort is reflected in the EDIT page list-
ing, and determines the separation sequence used by the
CHORD SEPARATE job (see next page).
• Sorting is by pitch. If notes E3, C3, and G3 all begin at the
same time, the job adjusts the sequence to C3, E3, G3 (if
the setting is Normal) to G3, E3, C3 (if Reverse).