Chapter 1
Changing the tempo
• Here’s how to change the tempo so that it will be comfort-
able for you to play.
(1) Press d [D3] to move the cursor to Tempo.
(2) Use the data dial, n/y or numeric keypad → e to set
the desired tempo.
Changing the Click Beat, Click Mode, and
• Here’s how to change the click or count.
(1) Press d [D4] several times to move the cursor to Click
Beat, Click Mode, or Count.
(2) Use the data dial, n/y or numeric keypad → e to set
the desired values.
Now let’s playback.
• Press the sequencer key p to playback the song.
• Listen to the performance of track 2.
Step recording of track 1
• Here we will use step recording to record the melody part
for track 1 from the musical score printed on page 56.
1. Press d/u to move the cursor to
track 1.
2. Press e to enter Recording Standby.
3. Press 6 (STEP) to select Step Recording.
4. Press p to start step recording on track 1.
5. Move the song position pointer to the location where
you wish to enter a note.
• Use the data dial or n/y to move the song position
• If the cursor is located elsewhere than the song position
pointer ▼, you must first press l to move the cursor to
the song position pointer.
• You can move in steps of 1 measure by pressing r/f.
• Since the first note of track 2 is in the first beat of measure
3, press f twice.
6. Select the note length.
(1) Press d [D2] to move the cursor to the note value.
(2) Use the numeric keypad to select the type of note that you
wish to enter.
• Since the first note in track 2 is a dotted 8th note, press
numeric keypad [4] and then [0].
7. Check the octave setting of the microkeyboard.
• Use d [OCT DOWN]/u [OCT UP] to change the octave.
• The middle “C” of the keyboard graphic shown in the left
edge of the display is the lowest “C” of the microkeyboard.
• In this case since the first-entered note is D3, use d [OCT
DOWN]/u [OCT UP] to set middle “C” to C3.
quarter note
triplet (64 clocks)
8th note triplet
(32 clocks)
16th note triplet
(16 clocks)
8th note
(48 clocks)
16th note
(24 clocks)
32nd note
(12 clocks)
whole note
(384 clocks)
half note
(192 clocks)
quarter note
(96 clocks)
Location of the
lowest "C" of
the micro-
Beat :Clock
Note value
(Step Time)
Playing strength
Note length
(Gate Time)
Song position pointer