311Chapter 7. DISK MODE
• The Load operation loads data from floppy disk into the
• You can select one of three types of file to be loaded. For
details on the types of file, refer to “Types of file used by
the QY700.” (→ p.304)
• The “DISK INFORMATION” area located in the lower right
of the screen shows the total number of files on the floppy
disk, the total size of all files, and the free area on the disk.
The area below this shows the number of files of the se-
lected type that are on the floppy disk, and the total size.
Refer to this information when loading data.
• When an All Data file is loaded, all data in memory
such as Songs, Patterns, Phrases, and System setup
data will be overwritten. If internal memory contains
data that you wish to save, save it to disk before load-
ing other data.
1. Press 2 (Load).
▼ The top line of the display will indicate “DISK -- LOAD --”.
2. Press d [D1] (All Data) – d [D3] (Song) to
select the type of data that you wish to load.
▼ The load execute page will appear.
3. In the left side of the display, select the file that you
wish to load.
Preplay function
• If you have selected Song as the data type, and if a Standard
MIDI File format 0 song file is selected, you can press
6 (Preplay) to playback the file before you execute
• This is a convenient way to check the contents of the file.
4. Press r to move the cursor to the memory number
area in the right side of the display, and use n/y,
the data dial or the numeric keypad → e to specify a
memory number as the loading destination.
• If you are loading All Data, this setting will not appear.
• Vacant memory numbers will be displayed with a name of
5. Check the settings, and press e.
▼ The display will indicate “Executing...”, and the data will
be loaded.
• If the data will overwrite existing data, a confirmation mes-
sage will appear. To load the data, press y. To cancel,
press n.
6. Press e to close the Load execute page.
• If the data to be loaded is larger than the remaining free
memory, a message of “Memory Full” will appear. If this
occurs, delete unneeded data and repeat the Load opera-
2. Load