292 Chapter 6. UTILITY MODE
2. MIDI control in/out
• These settings determine whether the MIDI messages Start,
Stop, Continue Start, Song Position/Pointer, and MIDI Clock
will be transmitted or received. (MIDI Clock is only trans-
• MIDI Control In is the reception setting, and MIDI Control
Out is the transmission setting.
MIDI Control In
Off, In-A, In-B, In-A,B
Messages will not be received.
In-A, In-B
Messages arriving at the MIDI IN-A connector or at
the MIDI IN-B connector will be received.
Message arriving at either the MIDI IN-A or the MIDI
IN-B connector will be received.
MIDI Control Out
Off, Out-A, Out-B, Out-A,B
Messages will not be transmitted.
Out-A, Out-B
Messages will be transmitted from either the MIDI
OUT-A connector or from the MIDI OUT-B connec-
Messages will be transmitted from both the MIDI
OUT-A and B connectors.
3. XG parameter out
• When parameter values are modified in Voice mode or Ef-
fect mode, this setting specifies whether the operation will
be transmitted in realtime from the MIDI OUT connectors
as MIDI data.
• When using the QY700 together with another XG tone gen-
erator, this setting allows the external XG tone generator’s
voice and effect parameters to be controlled from the QY700.
Off, Out-A, Out-B, Out-A,B
Off MIDI will not be output.
Out-A, Out-B MIDI will be output from the MIDI OUT-
A connector or from the MIDI OUT-B con-
Out-A,B MIDI will be output from both the MIDI
OUT-A and B connectors.
4. MIDI echo back In-A/In-B
• Echo Back is a function by which data received at a MIDI
IN connector is re-transmitted from a MIDI OUT connec-
tor. These parameters are the echo back settings.
• MIDI Echo Back In A sets echo back for data received at
the MIDI IN-A connector, and MIDI Echo Back In B for
data received at the MIDI IN-B connector.
• If you wish to use the QY700’s MIDI OUT connectors as
MIDI THRU connectors, select Thru A, Thru B, or Thru
• When using an external MIDI keyboard and external MIDI
tone generator to record on QY700 tracks, select
• When connecting the QY700’s MIDI IN and MIDI OUT
connectors to an external MIDI device, select Off.
Off, Thru A, Thru B, Thru A,B, RecMonitor
Echo back will not be performed.
Thru A, Thru B, Thru A, B
Echo back will be performed respectively from the MIDI
OUT-A connector or the OUT-B connector, or from both
OUT-A and OUT-B connectors.
Echo back will be performed according to the Out Chan-
nel MIDI OUT-A and MIDI OUT-B settings of the Key-
board Track or the Recording Track.
• System exclusive messages of 128 bytes or longer will not
be echoed back.
5. MTC start offset
• Specify the delay from when MIDI Time Code is received
until when the sequencer is started, in hours:minutes:
• When synchronizing with an MTC-compatible MTR etc.,
use this setting to make the song begin simultaneously.
Hours 00 – 23
Minutes 00 – 59
Seconds 00 – 59
Frames 00 – 29