Standard MIDI File (SMF): SMF is an acronym for Standard MIDI
File; a format that allows easy exchange of song data between
different sequencers. Most of today’s software and hardware
manufacturers provide software/hardware that can read and write
Standard MIDI Files.
Step recording: The method of recording in which music is input by
entering notes once by one, specifying the note length, velocity,
and pitch etc. of each note.
Stereo location: The location within the stereo field from which a sound
is heard. This can be modified by the Pan setting.
Store: In Voice mode, the process in which a voice created in the edit
buffer is saved to internal memory.
Style: The collective name for a set of eight sections (intro, fill-in, end-
ing, etc.). Sections are put together to create a backing pattern.
Synchronization: The function or process of matching the playback or
recording tempo of a device with a separate, external device such
as another sequencer or a rhythm machine.
Sync: See Synchronization.
System (effect): An effect which can be applied to all parts by adjusting
the Send Levels and Return Level. System effects allow reverb
or chorus etc. to be applied to the overall music. The QY700
provides Reverb and Chorus as system effects. The Variation ef-
fect can also be used as a system effect.
System exclusive message: A type of MIDI message used to exchange
data unique to a specific model or type of device.
Tempo track: The track containing data that determines the playback
tempo of the song.
Track: A location where musical performance data is recorded.
Transpose: Shifting the pitch in semitone steps.
Tremolo: An effect produced by cyclically modulating the volume.
Tuning: The process of matching the pitch of two or more instruments
when playing in an ensemble. Normally, A3 is tuned to 440 Hz.
Utility mode: A mode on the QY700 in which system or MIDI settings
can be made.
Variation effect: One of the QY700’s effects. In Voice mode, this effect
can be used aggressively as a major component of a sound. The
Variation effect can function either as an insertion effect or as a
system effect, and provides a wide variety of effect programs
such as delay, rotary speaker, auto pan, amp simulation and auto
wah in addition to reverb and chorus.
Velocity: A numerical value indicating the speed (force) with which a
note was played.
Vibrato: A performance effect produced by cyclically modifying the pitch.
Voice: A sound that is built into the tone generator that can be selected
and played.
Voice category: On the QY700, a broad classification of voices that
groups them as Normal voices, Drum voices, SFX voices etc.
Volume: A parameter or control that adjusts the volume. Track Volume
adjusts the volume of each track, and Master Volume adjusts the
overall volume.
Wah effect: An effect that cyclically modulates the tone. The QY700
produces this effect by using an LFO signal to modulate the cut-
off frequency of the filter.
Waves: Digitally recorded waveforms of various instruments, which are
the basis for AWM2 tone generation.
Wet sound: The audio signal that is processed by an effect. Normally
when using an effect, not all of the audio signal is passed through
the effect. Rather, the degree of the effect is adjusted by mixing
the sound that passes through the effect (the wet sound) with the
sound that bypasses the effect (the dry sound).
XG: A tone generator format developed by Yamaha which expands the
GM specification to provide the richer expressiveness and up-
ward data compatibility that is demanded by today’s more so-
phisticated computer peripheral environment.
4. Glossary4. Glossary