247Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
5. Phrase Recording
5. Phrase Recording
• Although the QY700 comes equipped with many preset
phrases, it also allows you to record your own user phrases.
You use the Phrase Recording submode to make these re-
• The QY700 offers two general recording methods: realtime
recording and step recording.
• With realtime recording, the QY700 operates as a tape re-
corder, recording the performance data as it is played. This
allows you to catch all the nuances of an actual perform-
• With step recording, you input the phrase one note at a time,
almost as if you were writing the notes down on a music
sheet. This allows you to create complex phrases without
having to play them in real time at the keyboard.
1. Go to the PATCH screen (→ p.200) and select the
phrase number for the user phrase that you want to
record. (The “phrase number” consists of the prefix
US followed by a sequential number).
2. Go to the Recording Standby screen, and set the nec-
essary recording parameters. (→ p.248)
3. Record the phrase, using either realtime recording (→
p.252) or step recording. (→ p.253)
4. Edit or otherwise modify the results using Phrase Edit
(→ p.254) and pattern jobs. (→ p.256)
5. When you are satisfied with the results, save the re-
corded phrase to disk. (→ p.307)
Recording Standby
6Step Recording