204 Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
5. Fingered-chord switch
• This setting enables or disables the fingered-chord feature.
• If you enable this feature (by setting the value to FINGRD),
you will be able to enter chord values directly by playing
the appropriate chord either at the microkeyboard or at a
remote MIDI keyboard. Specifically, you can enter the root
and type by playing the keys within the keyboard’s fingered-
chord zone (→ p.299), and you can enter an on-bass or origi-
nal-bass value by playing the appropriate key(s) in the area
to the left of the zone. See the procedure given on the previ-
ous page.
• For general information about the fingered chord feature,
refer to Chapter 1. (→ p.42)
1. Move the cursor to the fingered-chord switch area.
2. Use the data dial or n/y to select the setting.
• If you have selected fingered chording, you can use the area
to the right of the zone for normal play while using the rest
of the keyboard for your chord input. But remember that all
keyboard area from the chord downward is reserved for
chord input only.
6. Current measure; pattern length
• The top value sets the measure from which playback be-
gins. The value then increments as playback proceeds.
• The lower value indicates the pattern’s length, in measures.
• There are three ways to jump to a different measure while
playback is in progress, as follows.
1. Press d [D1] to move the cursor into this measure
area, and then change the current-measure value.
2. Rotate the shuttle dial, or press r or f.
3. Press t to return to the top of the song.
Current length 001,...,
pattern length (in measures)
1. Press d [D1] once to move the cursor to the cur-
rent-measure area, or twice to move it to the pattern-
length area.
2. Set the value using the data dial, n/y, or the nu-
meric keypad.
7. Tempo and meter
• The values set the tempo and meter (time signature) for
pattern playback.
• The meter setting applies to all sections within in the style.
• Each style retains its own tempo and meter settings within