Chapter 3. VOICE MODE
• The Voice Edit page lets you freely modify the voice of
each part.
• Voice Edit parameters are made for the Part, not for indi-
vidual voices. When a different voice is selected, the voice
edit settings will still apply to the newly selected voice.
• Of the voice edit parameters, the filter, EG, and vibrato pa-
rameters are adjustments relative to the parameters of the
voice. Voice edit parameters other than these modify the
voice by overwriting the parameters of the voice.
1. Press v.
▼ The indicator above v will light, and you will enter
Voice mode.
2. Press 3 (VoicEdit) to access the Voice Edit page.
3. Use d/u or l/r to select a
You can switch between the screens for parts 1–16 and parts
17–32 by pressing 6.
4. Move the cursor to the parameter that you wish to set.
5. Use n/y, the data dial, or the numeric keypad →
e to set the value.
• In Voice mode, keys such as r, e, s, t and r/
f will function in the same way as in Song Play mode.
You can use these keys to listen to the playback while you
modify the settings in realtime. If the Recording Mode for
song recording (→ p.106) is set either to Realtime Record-
ing Replace or Overdub, or to Punch Recording, song re-
cording can also be performed in Voice mode.
Operation of “1. Data display” – “3. Part number” is the same as in
the Mixer page. For details on these parameters, refer to the ex-
planation for the Mixer page. (→ p.170)
4. Mono/Poly
• This selects either Mono mode or Poly mode for each part.
• In Mono mode, only one note can be sounded at a time, and
chords cannot be played. In Poly mode, chords may be
• This setting is ignored for parts for which a Drum Set voice
is selected.
5. Element reserve
• On the QY700, when the total number of voice elements
sounding for each part would exceed the maximum po-
lyphony of 32 notes, currently-sounding notes will be turned
off, starting with the first-played voice (i.e., last-note prior-
• Element Reserve allows you to specify a minimum number
of elements that will be reserved for each part, so that even
if the maximum polyphony is exceeded, the sound of that
part will not disappear.
• For example if Element Reserve is set to 10 for a part, no
notes will be turned off for that part as long as it uses 10 or
fewer elements, even if a total of more than 32 notes are
being requested by all parts.
00 – 32
3. Voice edit