218 Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
• You use this page to set the following play-effect param-
eters: clock shift, gate-time modifier, velocity rate, and ve-
locity offset.
1. At the Play Effects screen, press 2 (Shf|GT|Vel).
▼ The “Clock Shift, Gate Time, and Velocity” page appears.
2. Move the cursor to each of the parameters you want
to change, and set the new value using the data dial,
n/y, or the numeric keypad.
3. When you have finished making changes, press e
to return to the PATCH screen.
• The playback keys (p, s, t, r/f) continue to
function while you are adjusting the settings, so that you
can monitor the results of your changes as you make them.
• Adjustment shortcut 1: To adjust the cursor-selected pa-
rameter by an equal amount on all tracks, hold down s
while rotating the data dial or pressing n or y .
• Adjustment Shortcut 2: To set the cursor-selected param-
eter to the same value on all tracks, hold down s and
enter the value at the numeric keypad.
15. Clock shift
16. Gate-time modifier
17. Velocity rate
18. Velocity offset
• The parameters listed above are functionally equivalent to
the identically named parameters in the SONG mode’s Play
Effects submode. Refer to Chapter 2, page 90 for details.
• For additional information about the clock shift parameter,
see directly below.
• If you apply a negative clock shift value that would move a
note past the beginning of the pattern, the note will sound at
the precise start of the pattern when the pattern begins its
replay. If you set the value to -200, for instance, all notes
within the first 200 cycles of the track will sound together
when the pattern starts up.
• For second and subsequent rounds of the pattern, however,
all clock-shifts are applied correctly.
2. Play Effects