148 Chapter 2. SONG MODE
5. Offset
• This parameter adds a fixed value to each of the Rate-ad-
justed gate times. A setting of 0 produces no change. Posi-
tive values increase the gate time, while negative values
decrease it.
7. Song Jobs
• You use this job to apply a crescendo or decrescendo to the
specified range of notes (pitches) in the specified segment
of the designated track. The QY700 produces the effect by
applying a slight velocity adjustment (offset) at the begin-
ning of the segment, with the offset increasing gradually up
until the end of the segment.
1. Track setting: TR
• This parameter selects the sequence track to which adjust-
ment is applied.
2. Segment and notes (M and Note=)
• The two boxes at the top of the screen (to the right of the M)
select the track segment over which the crescendo or di-
minuendo is created. The first box sets the measure and beat
for the start point; the second box sets the end point. The
Note boxes select the range of notes (pitches) to be targeted
by the adjustment: notes with pitches outside this range are
not affected.
Measure: beat 001:1,...,999:8
Note range C-2,...,G8
3. Range
• You use the Range parameter to set the intensity of the cre-
• The Range setting selects the value added to the velocities
of notes at the final meter and beat of the segment. The
QY700 gradually increases the amount added to (or sub-
tracted from) the velocities within the segment, beginning
with a “0” amount at the beginning of the segment, and
ending with the full Range amount at the end of the seg-
• Velocity cannot be less than 1 or higher than 127. Adjusted
valves below 1 are raised to 1, adjusted values above 127
are set to 127.
Original gate timing
Offset = -20
Offset = +20
32 32 32 48 48
12 12 12 28 28
52 52 52 68 68