252 Chapter 5. PATTERN MODE
Realtime Recording
5. Phrase Recording
• You use this recording method when you want to input your
phrase in real time. You can input the phrase directly either
at the microkeybaord, or else through a remote MIDI key-
board or other such MIDI device. Or you can record (copy)
a phrase from a computer or from another sequencer.
• The QY700 offers two realtime phrase recording methods:
4 (REPLACE) and 5 (OVERDUB).
• You use the 4 (REPLACE) method when you want to
create a entirely new phrase or overwrite an existing phrase.
This method erases any data already existing in the selected
• You use 5 (OVERDUB) when you want to overdub
new data onto the phrase’s existing data. This allows you to
build up a complex, multilayered phrases.
1. Starting from the PATCH screen, press e.
• The QY700 displays the Recording Standby page. The
RECORDING indicator comes on.
2. Press 4 (REPLACE) or 5 (OVERDUB) to
select the recording method.
3. Press p to begin recording.
▼ The PLAY indicator begins flashing. The QY700 counts
out the specified number of lead-in measures (as set by the
COUNT parameter; see page 78), and then starts recording.
• The QY700 loops over the recording area until you press
s to stop, so that you can record multiple layers in a sin-
gle session. The QY700 starts recording at measure 1, con-
tinues to the final measure of the phrase, then jumps back
to measure 1 and begins another round.
If you input an incorrect note, you can remove it on a
subsequent round by holding down s together with
the same note key – hold both of these keys down as the
recording passes the point where the original (bad) note was
4. When you have finished recording, press s to return
to the PATCH screen.
• You can use pattern job 00 (UNDO/REDO) to cancel a re-
cording that you have just made. This allows you to recover
data that you have inadvertently over-recorded. (→ p.259)
• Remember to set other appropriate parameters (such as
tempo, click beat, click mode, and count; see page 78) be-
fore beginning the recording.
• If you input your recording using the microkeyboard, the
velocity for each note is set to 88( f ). If you want true re-
cording of velocity values, enter the data from a remote MIDI
Recording Standby