Chapter 2. SONG MODE
8. Swing velocity
• This value applies a proportional adjustment to the note
velocities within the swing-adjusted intervals.
• Remember that velocity is a measure of the note’s force.
You can use this setting, therefore, to increase or reduce the
force of the notes within the swing-adjusted intervals.
• A setting of 100% leaves the original velocities unchanged.
Higher settings increase the velocity, while lower settings
decrease it.
• If an adjusted value is less than 1 or higher than 127, the
QY700 sets the velocity to 1 or 127, respectively.
7. Song Jobs
• This job alters the velocity values of the specified range of
notes (pitches) in the specified segment of the designated
track. Remember that velocity refers to the force with which
a note is struck. The precise effect of a velocity change var-
ies according to the voice: in most cases a higher velocity
produces a louder sound.
• Using this job, you can choose to set all targeted notes to an
identical velocity value, or you can apply a relative (linear)
adjustment to the original velocity values.
• If making a relative adjustment, you use two parameters:
the Rate and the Offset. The Rate value applies a propor-
tional change to the velocity value, while the Offset value
(which is applied after the Rate adjustment) adds a fixed
value. The relation is as follows:
Adjusted velocity = (original velocity X Rate) + Offset.
• If the adjustment result is less than 1, the QY700 sets the
value to 1. If the result is higher than 127, the QY700 sets
the value to 127.
1. Track setting: TR
• This parameter selects the sequence track to which adjust-
ment is applied.