122 Barco - RHDM-2301 - User manual
Full functionality description
Override signal detection:
when checked, the display unit will ignore the measured standard
and will display the video signal according to the manual settings.
sets the encoding of the video signal. This can be RGB or YCbCr.
Chroma sampling:
sets the sampling of the video signal. Possible sampling options are: 4:2:2,
4:4:4 and 4:4:4:4.
Bit depth:
sets the bit depth of the video signal. Possible settings are: 8, 10 or 12.
Video framing:
sets the video framing of the video signal: Possible options are: Interlaced, Pro-
gressive or Segmented.
Swap channels:
when checked, the input channels are swapped, i.e. channel A becomes B and
vice versa.
4.3.6 Display settings Display settings (perceptual matching)
In this menu a choice can be made on which colorimetric system is used in the RHDM display.
• CIE 1931 (default)
• Barco CVM
Each RHDM display is calibrated in the Barco factory according to the CIE1931 colorimetry, and
complies with the grade-1 specs and tight tolerances as written down in the RHDM technical
specification document.
The grade-1 monitor specs (e.g. color temperature, chromaticity of primary colors etc.) have been
established for a CRT, and it is assumed that an LCD calibrated to the same specs will also look the
However, calibrating the RHDM and a CRT to the exact same specs with the exact same tolerances,
will still yield perceptual color differences between the two monitors. The reason is that the
CIE1931 color measurement system is not adequate for narrow-spectrum light sources like the LED
backlights used in the RHDM monitor.
As a consequence, an RHDM and a CRT that look the same will produce different optical
measurements, and if they produce the same optical measurements, they will look differently.
This is a big problem in the current color industry but unfortunately it's not solved yet in a
standardized way. In the lack of a better color system, Barco has done a perceptual matching to a
Barco CRT (CVM model) and implemented this as a preset.