Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 112 –
Configuration (continued)
6.2.24 Configuration of authorization levels
(User management/authorization levels menu)
You can create different authorization groups in this menu if you have adminis-
trator rights. These so–called authorization levels enable you to determine
what the user is allowed to do in the system. The Administrator authorization
level has all rights, and this is configured before delivery from the plant.
No. Name Description
1 New
Creates a new authorization level.
Click on New and enter the name in the input box.
2 Delete
Deletes an existing authorization level.
Select an authorization level in the list box and click
on Delete. The authorization level is deleted.
3 Configuration Activate the check boxes in front of the functions in
which the person with this authorization level is al-
lowed to implement configuration.