Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 86 –
Configuration (continued)
Set the monitoring area for the sensor camera (movement detection)
Implement the setting for each camera as required.
No. Name Description
1 Motion detection Click on Motion detection. The entire image
content within the blue area is sensitive at first;
i.e. content is monitored for movement. If you
want to limit the area to be monitored, carry out
the next step.
2 Within the blue area
Clicking with the left
mouse button or
Dragging an area with
the left mouse button
pressed down
A minus sign appears next to the mouse cursor,
which indicates that the selected area is not
sensitive and thus not evaluated upon movement
detection. Non–sensitive areas are shown
Clicking with the right
mouse button or
Dragging an area with
the right mouse button
pressed down
A plus sign appears next to the mouse cursor,
which indicates that the selected area is sensitive
again and that evaluation will occur upon
movement detection. Sensitive areas are shown
not shaded.
3 Alarm overshoot time Enter the time for which the detector input is to
stay in alarm status after an alarm occurs.
A recording job must be linked to the detector input.