Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 60 –
6 Configuration
If you are starting the video system for the first time, a dialog box appears
with the following configuration possibility:
D Basic configuration with the wizard
The basic configuration is intended for inexperienced users. With the help
of a setup assistant, you will create a basic configuration of the system with
a few clicks of the mouse. The system automatically recognizes the con-
nected video hardware (cameras, grabber).
If more extensive configuration is necessary, this occurs with the help of
the standard (expert) configuration since the basic configuration is only
called automatically on the first start of the system. If later you would like to
go from the standard configuration to the basic configuration, this is only
possible with a loss of the configuration data and the saved video images.
D Use standard configuration program
The standard configuration (expert configuration) is intended for users
who have a certain amount of experience with the system. If you select the
standard configuration, you will see a dialog box “Setup Assistant Adminis-
trator” in which you must enter your name and password (you must use this
name/password to log onto the system for the first time). After confirmation
of your entries, you will reach the standard configuration.
Proceed as described above by clicking the individual menu items and
making the corresponding settings.
You will find operating instructions for both types of configuration-
online, that is, directly in the system. For this call up the online help
by pressing the “F1” key or clicking the “Help” button.
6.1 Basic configuration
For more information on this, please see Section 3.