Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 37 –
Connections (continued)
D Selecting communication protocol
Use the default protocol.
→ see ”Communications Protocol” Section
D Hide own device address
The device address must not be transmitted because it is not evaluated
in the video system and unnecessarily reduces the available memory
capacity for the barcode reader data to be saved in live image.
→ see ”Transmitting own device address” Section
D Hiding sequence ID
The sequence ID must not be transmitted for the same reasons as
→ see ”Transmitting Sequence ID” Section
D Deactivating the beeper
The beeper must be deactivated because high scan frequencies
cause data transfer errors when it is activated.
→ see ”Activating beeper after receiving data” Section
D Defining transmit header
Set STX as the header.
→ See ”Defining Transmit Header” Section
D Defining transmit trailer
Set CR, LF as trailers.
→ See ”Defining Transmit Trailer” Section
D Enabling interface
Enable the interface used by the V3300–N.
→ see ”Enabling/Disabling Interface” Section
D Enabling codes
Enable the codes that are used. The maximum code length is 17
→ see ”Enabling/Disabling Codes” Section
D Saving programming
Before finishing the programming, you must store the set parame-
ters using the ”Save” command and then press ”ESC”. The V3300–N
then exits programming mode and restarts automatically. The device
is ready to operate when ”READY TO READ” appears on the display.
4.12.2 Barcode reader DOUBLE–X–LR
Contact Product Service Video of the video system manufacturer for con-
nection of a barcode reader DOUBLE–X–LR.