Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 71 –
Configuration (continued)
6.2.6 Configuration of the foyer–card reader lockouts (option)
(Hardware/foyer card reader/lockouts menu)
In this dialog box it is possible to lockout certain bank routing codes, i.e. EC
cards that correspond to the locked out entries have no access authorization.
Access is denied by the foyer–card reader. The basic setting of the foyer–card
reader must be set to “Foyer–card reader automatic.”
Entering lockouts
Name Description
1 New Click on New.
2 Locked bank reference
Enter the bank reference number to be locked in
the text box.
It is possible to use wildcards (? or *) in any com-
bination. For this, heed the following note and the
Once entered, the bank reference number is in-
cluded in the list field (3).
5 Accept Click on Accept. If you have made incorrect in-
puts, click on Reject and start over.