Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 131 –
9 Maintenance and Service
9.1 Maintenance Tasks to be Carried Out
Perform the following maintenance tasks:
D On the video system itself:
– Check all cable connections are secure
– Check the fan and clean it if necessary
– Clean the screen if it is dirty
– Check the system time and correct it if necessary
D Check the quality (e.g. focus, brightness, contrast) of the last five im-
ages stored for each camera.
D Randomly check the images saved in the archives (e.g. for image
quality and additional data).
D Activate at least once by a SecSys (if connected) or a directly con-
nected contact.
Check the images saved in the archives and then delete them.
D Check the utilization of the alarm tee–offs. Images of the tee–off may
be deleted by agreement with the customer.
D Clean all freely accessible cameras and lenses as well as dome
cameras and front screens of outdoor cameras. Check the connect-
ing cables and connectors.
D Compare the reference images printed or saved during installation of
the system with the live images of the corresponding cameras in
terms of their direction. The customer is responsible to the Verwal-
tungs–Berufsgenossenschaft (BGV) (German administrative pro-
fessional association) for the set picture detail.
D According to UVV Kassen a functional test has to be done at least
once every month (UVV Kassen = German for Accident Prevention
Regulation for Banks). Ensure the SP 9.7/7 (Requirements of optical
room surveillance systems).
D Check the customer’s printer (1 printout).
D Set up a test connection for ISDN.
D For ATM link:
– check the connecting cables on the interface processor and
– check the transfer of transaction data
– check the display of access control data (connecting cables for
access control)
D Document all work carried out in the logbook.