Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 69 –
Configuration (continued)
6.2.5 Configuration of the foyer card reader inputs (option)
(Hardware/foyer card reader/inputs menu)
A maximum of 4 foyer card readers can be connected, with each foyer card reader
supporting one alarm input (must be activated under Hardware/Connections).
These inputs need to be configured as detectors.
The number of foyer card readers configured must match the number of foyer
card readers connected.
No. Name Description
1 Input Click on the corresponding input. The selected
line is activated.
2 Type Click on the arrow pointing downwards in the
Type column and select whether the foyer card
reader should be activated or not.
A foyer card reader will be connected to the input.
No foyer card reader will be connected to the input.
3 Name Place the cursor in the Name column and enter
the name. Any name can be chosen. The input is
now known to the system under this name.
4 Time management
Click on Setup in the Time management column
if you want to enter time management information
for the foyer card reader. If not, then continue
with item 9.
Only possible if a time period was specified on
the Time periods menu.