Installation Manual for DiBos Video System
A5/11–2004610–4.998.137.176 – 81 –
Configuration (continued)
6.2.12 Configuration of detector inputs
(Hardware/Frame grabber/Detector menu
With this dialog box you can activate and deactivate the contact inputs of the
grabber card and select the stable state. A maximum of 8 or 16 contact inputs
can be connected to each MVTitan grabber card and a maximum of 5 contact
inputs can be connected to each MVSigma grabber card. A maximum of 2
MVTitan or a maximum of 1 MVSigma can be installed.
Note: If a sensor camera is configured, the associated detector input is
used as a sensor input. The detector input is no longer available as
an alarm input.
No. Name Description
1 Input Click on the corresponding input. The selected
line is activated.
2 Type Click on the arrow pointing downwards in the
Type column and select whether the input should
be configured or not.
Input is interpreted as an alarm input.
Input is not interpreted as an alarm input.
3 Name Place the cursor in the Name column and enter
the name. Any name can be chosen.