Functional Overview
WFM90D and WFM91D Service Manual
The menus use a combination of onscreen readout and multi-use buttons, in
conjunction with the Arrow Buttons, to control most of the monitoring functions.
Menus are entered by pressing one of the MENU, CONFIG, or LINE SEL
buttons. Menus are exited by pressing the entry button for the open menu, or by
entering another menu.
Menu operation and selections are detailed in Using the Menus starting on
page 2--15.
MENU. Pressing the MENU button toggles an operating menu on and off. An
operating menu contains monitoring selections that are specifically related to the
currently selected display mode.
Digital menus. Pressing and holding the MENU button while in WFM, VEC-
TOR, PICTURE, or WIP mode enters a digital operating menu Operating menus
are described in detail in Operating Menus starting on page 2--17.
CONFIG. Pressing the CONFIG button toggles the Configuration menu on and
off. The Configuration menu contains selections which control overall instru-
ment monitoring operation. Configuration menu selections are described in detail
in Configuration Menu starting on page 2--21.
LINE SEL. Pressing the LINE SEL button toggles the Line Select mode on and
off and displays the Line Select menu (shown in Table 2--9 on page 2--26).
Bezel Buttons. The four unlabeled buttons directly below the display are referred
to as the bezel buttons. These buttons are used for making menu selections and
are only enabled while menus are displayed on screen.
The function of the arrow buttons is dependent on the current state of the
instrument. For the Waveform and Audio display modes, they control signal
positioning. For the Vector display mode, they control vector phase, with the
and B buttons providing fine adjustment, and the A and " buttons providing
coarse adjustment.
The arrow buttons retain their default function for the reduced display when the
Waveform-in-Picture display mode is selected. When the Configuration menu is
displayed, the
Y and B buttons operate the menu category selection, while the A
and " buttons retain their default function for the current display mode.
Menu Control
Arrow Buttons